Trail No. 1: Mule Track, Giglio Porto-Giglio Castello
La mule track was, until modern times, the shortest and most direct route connecting Lily Castle a Giglio Porto. Once traveled on the back of donkeys or in the company of donkeys, today it is one of the most traveled, interesting and engaging trekking routes from both physical and sensory points of view. Walking along the 1480 mt of paved road, the landscape and environment changes every few meters, as if by magic we find ourselves enveloped by the brush and soon after poised on the steep rock. The steepness of the hill leading up to the castle is felt throughout. Crops of olive trees alternate with panoramic views of theArgentario and the whole part of the Italian coast just opposite the island from Plumbino a Montalto di Castro up to, at times Civitavecchia when the sky is just clear and Mount Amiata towers deep in the Maremma hinterland. Then when we least expect it there it is, raising our heads, sprouting the Castle, on its barest side and right on the slope of the hill. A castle that from here looks like an inaccessible fortress, leaving no footholds for those who would attack it. Farmers once traveled this road together with their donkeys, laden with the fruits of their labor in the countryside. They would go to the Port to sell or exchange, grapes for fish, cabbage torso for seafood. Or to embark grapes on ships leaving for the mainland.
It is recommended to approach this trail starting from a good physical training.
We also advise you, especially in the summer months, to choose the least hot times of the day, Although the path is the many parts shady, to bring you sufficient waterand maybe a fruit to refresh you along the way. Once you arrive in Giglio Castello you will find everything you need, bars, groceries and even the wild drinking water source at which to fill your water bottles and prepare for the return trip.
Trail Data Sheet
- Travel Time: 1h (uphill)
- Length: 1480 mt
- Height difference: 573 mt
- Difficulty: Media