1 kilogram of dried neruccioli del Giglio figs
2 ounces of raisins
2 ounces of shelled walnuts
2 ounces of hazelnuts
2 ounces of almonds
3 ounces of dark chocolate
Homemade jam (apricots or plums)
1 peeled apple
1 peeled pear
Untreated orange peel
2 ounces of flour
Soak figs in water (preferably vinella where available) after opening them and removing the bicollar (end part of the fig through which it is attached to the plant) overnight.
Drain and chop the aforementioned figs, gradually adding all the ingredients, but leave for last the chocolate that might otherwise complicate the kneading steps. Knead everything now and arrange the dough on baking sheet into small loaf shapes of about 300 grams. Brush with the soaking water from the figs and bake.
Bake for 35 to 40 minutes at 180 degrees.
Recipe by Angela of the Tobacconist
Difficulty: easy : easy
Preparation time: 1 day.