

  • he passenger who falls within the scope of the regulation of EU Regulation No. 1177/2010 who wishes to make a complaint to the Carrier may forward it within two months from the date on which the service was provided or should have been provided. Within one month of receiving the complaint, the Carrier must notify the passenger that the complaint has been upheld, rejected, or is still under consideration. The time taken to finally respond to the complaint shall not exceed two months from receipt of the complaint.

    Complaints can be submitted in Italian and/or English using the appropriate downloadable form:

    This is without prejudice to filing the complaint without using the downloadable form by still indicating in the complaint what is required by measure No. 3.2 of the resolution downloadable at the link at the bottom.
    In the event of failure to respond to the complaint within the above time limits, where the complaint has been submitted in full and in the manner specified above, the passenger may:
    Submit a second instance complaint to the Transportation Regulatory Authority at the addresses , that is.

    In the event of a delay in the Carrier's response to the complaint, the passenger will be entitled to automatic compensation as provided for in Measure No. 5 of Transportation Regulatory Authority Resolution No. 83/2019 found at the following link:

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